January 2024 Newsletter

Video: 3 Questions for Health Challenges & Other Goals

Watch this video for some simple questions to help you improve your path to better health!

1. Do you believe you are on the right track?

2. Are you willing to change course, revise, and keep going on your journey?

3. Do your systems and habits support you in moving toward your desire?

Parking: Remember the Free Lot Across the Street!

Please remember when you are visiting the office the parking lot directly across the street is available for you to use for free.

Thanks for your patience as the Duke Energy contractors continue their work on our side of Madison Road for several more months to restore service to an underground line.

Podcast: Peter Attia Hosts Atomic Habits Author James Clear 

Peter Attia republished a podcast that has particular significance for this time of year when people are looking to make, or break, habits. I enjoyed it! Check it out:

James Clear is the author of the New York Times bestseller Atomic Habits. His extensive research into human behavior has helped him identify key components of habit formation and develop the “Four Laws of Behavioral Change.” In this episode, James provides insights into how both good and bad habits are formed, including the influence of genetics, environment, social circles, and more. He points to changes one can make to cultivate more perseverance and discipline and describes the profound impact habits can have when tying them into one’s self-identity. Finally, James breaks down his “Four Laws of Behavioral Change” and how to use them to create new habits, undo bad habits, and make meaningful changes in one’s life.

James says: “If you’re going to be building habits anyway, you might as well understand what they are and how they work and how to shape them so that you can be the architect of your habits and not the victim of them.” 

Recipe of the Month: 10 Easy Paleo Meal Prep Ideas 

Image Source: https://wildwayoflife.com/cdn/shop/articles/6.JPG?v=1587246868&width=832

10 Healthy and easy food prep ideas for the new year.