September 2024 Newsletter

Research: Pediatric Text Neck Syndrome

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Many of you have heard the term ‘text neck’. It refers to the postural distortions and health consequences from looking at electronic devices so much. Of course, young people are using technology at greater rates than ever before and there are unique consequences.

Aside from the postural and biomechanical stress, there are significant mental and emotional health consequences to consider as well. For more on those concerns, refer to professor and author Johnathan Haidt’s work on this topic here with suggested actions steps for parents.

Pediatric Text Neck Syndrome, Cureus, April 23rd, 2023; Vol. 15; No. 4; Article e38034

Important points from the article:

  • “The increasing prevalence of social media, mobile testing, video streaming, and gaming due to the widespread adoption of smartphones has led to emerging health concerns, including the over use condition known as text neck syndrome.”
  • Prolonged exposure to poor postural habits in children may result in long lasting musculoskeletal issues and a higher risk of spine-related disorders later in life.”
  • “As mobile device usage continues to increase, the pediatric population is becoming particularly vulnerable to the development of kyphotic deformities (reversal of the healthy neck curvature) in the growing and premature spinal structure.”
  • Over time, sustained flexed stress may cause posterior ligamentous laxity, vertebral segment instability, spondylolisthesis, and degenerative joint disease, possibly leading to plastic impairment within the nervous system and causing clinical symptoms.”
  • “Regular exercise and core strengthening programs should be encouraged”
  • “Increased awareness and proper smartphone usage habits is crucial”
  • “These findings emphasize the importance of early recognition and intervention for text neck in the pediatric population, the potential benefits and limitations of chiropractic treatments, pediatric patient considerations, and the tole of ergonomics and exercise in maintaining spinal health.”

Natural D-Hist for Allergies

Any seasonal allergy sufferers out there? You may like a product we stock in the office with options for kids and adults.

D-Hist is a great natural solution for allergies.

The Natural D-Hist formula includes optimal support for nasal and sinus passageways. 

• Supports Immune Balance in Hypersensitive Individuals.
• Supports Sinus and Respiratory Health
• Promotes Normal Viscosity of Mucus
• Clears Nasal Passages

Supplement Facts for Adult Bottle

Serving Size: 2 Capsule
Servings Per Container: 60

% Daily Value
Vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid USP): 300 mg
Quercetin Dihydrate: 400 mg
Stinging Nettle (leaves): 400 mg
Bromelain (2,400 GDU/g) (from Pineapple): 100 mg
N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine USP: 50 mg

Other Ingredients:
Natural Vegetable Capsules, Magnesium Stearate, Silicon Dioxide, Stearic Acid 

Adult D-Hist: $47.75

Children’s D-Hist: $21.00 
(60 servings of 1 chewable tablet)

Price for Adult Adjustments Increases 10/1/24

As of October 1st, the rate for adult adjustments will increase from $55 to $60.

Since opening sixteen years ago in 2008, this is the 4th time we have raised our fees.

Thank you for understanding and for the opportunity to serve you. 

Why Are Americans Getting Sicker and Fatter?

I have heard Dr. Casey Means and her brother, Calley, on some recent podcasts and they are bringing light to a crucial issue: you would think Americans would enjoy tremendous health given the many blessings we enjoy in this country. Of course, this is not the case. The intro to her YouTube montage reads: 

“The Standard American Diet puts us on the fast track to glycemic variability, cellular dysfunction, and chronic disease. But a vast majority of these metabolic health problems may be totally preventable. We spend $3.8 trillion per year on healthcare costs in the U.S., but we’re getting sicker, fatter, and more depressed. If we stop and ask why this is happening, we can see that 9 out of 10 leading causes of death are caused by—or exacerbated by—unstable blood sugar. We’re talking about diseases like this: – Alzheimer’s – Cancer – Kidney disease – Heart disease – Stroke In this montage featuring our Co-Founder and Chief Medical Officer Dr. Casey Means, Casey explores the damage we do to our metabolic health and bodies through poor diet, the effects it has on our daily and long-term health, and how we ultimately may have the ability to prevent chronic disease through small daily habit changes to keep our glucose stable.”

You may also enjoy listening to one her recent podcast appearances to learn in more depth:

  • Andrew Huberman- Dr. Casey Means: Transform Your Health by Improving Metabolism, Hormone & Blood Sugar Regulation
  • Jay Shetty Podcast- The Nutrition Expert: 93% of Adults Have Metabolic Issues (What Your Body Is Trying to Tell You)
  • Tucker Carlson– Calley & Casey Means: How Big Pharma Keeps You Sick, and the Dark Truth About Ozempic and the Pill

Finally, this article about ultra-processed foods addictive nature supports Dr. Means position. 

Social, Clinical, and Policy Implications of Ultra-Processed Food Addiction: BMJ (British Medical Journal), October 9, 2023; Vol. 383; Article e07534

Important related points from this research article:

  • “Two systematic reviews including 281 studies from 36 different countries found the overall prevalence of food addiction using YFAS was 14% in adults and 12% in children.”
  • This prevalence is similar to the levels of addiction seen for other legal substances in adults (eg, 14% for alcohol and 18% for tobacco), but the level of implied addiction in children is unprecedented.”
  • Refined carbohydrates or refined fats evoke similar levels of extracellular dopamine in the brain striatum to those seen with addictive substances such as nicotine and alcohol.”
  • “Ultra-processed foods (UPFs)- industrially produced foods containing ingredients not available in-home kitchens- are the main source of refined carbohydrate and added fats in the modern food supply.”
  • “The combination of refined carbohydrates and fats often found in Ultra-processed foods seem to have a supra-additive effect on brain reward systems, above either macronutrient alone, which may increase the addictive potential of those foods.”
  • “UPFs high in refined carbohydrates and fats are clearly consumed in addictive patterns and lead to deleterious health outcomes

Recipe of the Month: Kid’s Paleo School Lunch Ideas

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Click here for plenty of ideas for healthy packed lunches for back to school. 

Thank You for the Online Reviews!

We greatly appreciate the positive feedback and recommendations from all of you.

If you have not already reviewed Dr. Pete at Thrive Chiropractic online, we would be grateful for you to do so now.

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