July 2019 Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter:

  • Upcoming Dates Office Closed for Vacation
  • Modeling Behavior
  • Beware of ‘Horns’ Growing on Skulls
  • Bulletproof Radio Podcast
  • Sprinting for Health
  • Recipe: BBQ Ranch Sweet Potato Salad



Upcoming Dates Chiropractic Office Closed

The office will be closed from July 2nd through July 9th.

There are a few appointment times left for this Friday, 6/28, Monday, 7/1, and when we return to work Wednesday, 7/10. 

If you would like to schedule for after we get back, Shawna and Michelle will be checking voicemails and emails several days while we are closed to help you with scheduling. 

Thoughts on Modeling Behavior

My wife, Dina, took this photo a few weeks ago as I was mowing the back yard with some help from my twin girls.

As they were imitating my every move, I was struck with the gravity of my responsibility as a dad!

The girls noticed every detail and pretended to add gas to their mowers, aggressively pull the engine start cord, and detached and attached the grass clipping bag on their little mowers as well. They noticed everything!

It got me thinking what an opportunity we all have, whether parents modeling for kids, or simply people being examples for other people, to be our best and inspire people to live well, live healthy and live happy. People are watching! And yes, as the saying goes, I think it matters much more what we do than what we say.  

Look Out: ‘Horns’ Growing on Back of Skulls 


The image you see above on the left is a side view of the base of the skull and neck. The yellow arrow points to a bony growth, similar to an upside down horn, growing off the back of the skull. The image on the right is a zoomed in image of the growth.

Unfortunately researchers in Australia found images like these in their study

The theory the researchers put forth is that all the phones and computers and technology we use now, especially at younger and younger ages, is causing tightness and structural changes like this to occur.

As the article mentions, the horns are likely a rare and unusual finding, but degenerative changes and postural changes leading to arthritis, neck pain, headaches, and many more issues are very well documented and researched. So, be mindful of your positions, habits and movements. Maybe add in a few of these scarecrow moves from last month’s email! 

Podcast: There’s So Much ‘Wow’ in Every Moment – Tim Chang with Dave Asprey on BulletProof Radio

Tim Chang leads consumer technology investments at Mayfield, focusing on next-gen Commerce & Marketplaces, Communities, Health & Wellness and Digital Media.

He joined host Dave Asprey on Bulletproof Radio. I enjoyed some good lessons from listening, perhaps if these subjects are of interest, you may like to take a listen as well:

In this fun, free-wheeling episode of Bulletproof Radio, the hour spins by with solid suggestions about living your best life and tangible takeaways for well-being. We discuss modern culture topic by topic in an engrossing conversation that spans email, messaging apps, time burdens, FOMO, obligation, the Eisenhower Matrix, think time, vulnerability, struggle, time as a luxury, the attention economy, cognitive health, mental bandwidth, haters, social media, slow tech—and much more.
It all makes great sense and great listening!

Tim’s Quick Takes: 

  • Strength Training and HIIT: “I just want to get my stuff done and go.”
  • Meditation: “There’s something magic at minute 40 or 45 where your mind just tires itself out of yapping at itself.”
  • Intermittent Fasting: “Essentially, I just skipped breakfast.”
  • Five-day Fasts: “It’s the equivalent of a nutritional meditation.”
  • Hipster Spirituality Culture: “They’re literally out Instagramming each other.”
  • Meetings: “Just don’t schedule.”
  • Vulnerability: “The ultimate superpower.”
  • Life: “Nobody’s crushing it, everyone’s a mess.”

Mark Sisson’s Definitive Guide To Sprinting, Part 1 

Mark Sisson (see pic above) has been a player in the health and wellness fields for years. 

If you wondered why many experts recommend sprints and quick bursts of exercise for health, you will enjoy this read and tips.

I incorporate sprints into my routine and it truly is a quick, efficient, and invigorating workout.

Recipe of the Month: BBQ Ranch Sweet Potato Salad

The 4th of July is right around the corner and this Paleo – and Whole 30 – friendly recipe from Paleo Running Momma makes the perfect side dish for any cookout!