July 2018 Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter:

  • Welcome Leo Haggenjos!
  • Office Closed Wednesday, July 4th
  • Baby-Wearing Tips
  • Beware of Limited Mobility!
  • Rebecca Baumann returns from Medical Leave
  • Recipe of the Month: Paleo Coconut Cherry Green Smoothie

Welcome Baby Leo

Leonard Henry Haggenjos was born Friday, June 8th. He was born at home and weighed 9 lbs 9 oz, measuring 21 1/2 inches long. Dina is going great and the girls are beyond excited to be big sisters to their “little brudder.”

Office Closed Wednesday, July 4th

The chiropractic office will be closed for Independence Day.  Have a happy and safe Fourth of July. 


Babywearing- Go with Chest to Chest

Babywearing using a carrier or wrap is an ancient practice that encourages bonding and helps babies feel secure.  Many modern baby carriers face the child out, rather than snuggled into a parent’s chest.  This article fromPathways to Wellness details why facing out is not the best for babies:

  • Front facing carriers are not designed to support developing hips. 
  • Facing front puts stress on the baby’s spine. 
  • It’s not comfortable for the person wearing the baby. 

Look for a baby carrier designed for the baby to be cradled chest to chest with the wearer. Advanced baby wearers can also wear the baby on their back, with the baby’s chest against their back. 

The Cincinnati Chapter of Babywearing International offers meetups to give hands- on advice on how to properly wear infants and toddlers.They also offer a lending library where you can try various types of carriers before investing in one. 

Movement: Key to healthy spine, joints, and aging well!

Most of us can relate to the experience of wearing a cast or brace on an injured body part. What do we notice when the cast or brace is removed? Less muscle and less movement! Indeed, there are times we need to immobilize a bone for healing an unstable fracture.

I want to point out that the same physiological process may be happening in a more subtle manner in other joints in your spine and your body – and you might not realize it! Areas where you feel stiff or stuck, body parts that don’t move as fluidly as they once did, these are signs of degeneration and arthritis.

  • Immobilization is a pathogenic factor in musculoskeletal degeneration and the development of osteoarthritis.
  • Immobilization slows the healing process. 
  • If the joint between two vertebrae is immobilized, disc space narrowing and bone spurs begin to develop within only 2 weeks!
How does chiropractic relate to this information? When I assess the spine and body, I am looking for spinal joints that are restricted in motion (stuck, not gliding as they should). These are the key areas that need adjusted to RESTORE proper motion of the joints. In turn, optimal joint movement allows optimal nerve flow from the spinal cord out through the spinal nerves between each vertebra.
Can you see why regular chiropractic care is key to helping prevent the physical, chemical and emotional stresses from everyday life from accumulating in areas of restricted motion and immobility?  

What about areas of the body that have already been limited in motion for some time? It’s not too late! Normal Ligament Properties and Ligament Healing shows that when scars form on ligaments after injury, the ligament will be much different and weaker, even 40 weeks after the scar has formed, without treatment. However, the scar can ‘stretch out’ when the ligament is stressed (adjustments help achieve this process). This can accelerate the healing and function and help the ligament to become more like ‘normal’ again.

Don’t underestimate the power of movement and exercise for your body! Utilize chiropractic to help your spine for years to come.

Rebecca Baumann is back to work!

Great news! Rebecca Baumann (Grateful Zen) returns from her medical leave on July 5th. She will be available for ashiatsu massage and facials. Welcome back to Rebecca!

Recipe of the Month: Paleo Coconut Cherry Green Smoothie

If you are in need of a quick, healthy breakfast or a cool snack on a hot July day, this Coconut Cherry Green Smoothie from Simple Green Smoothies is a perfect choice. Packed with healthy greens, creamy coconut milk, and sweet fruits, this smoothie will keep you full for hours. For busy mornings, you can easily prep the ingredients the night before so all you have to do is toss everything in the blender and go. If you need an added boost, try adding your favorite protein powder or  Standard Process Complete, which we have available in the office.