In this month’s newsletter:
- Research: Chiropractic Care Improves Balance, Strength and Endurance While Reducing Low Back Pain
- Dina’s FreeWELL Postpartum Virtual Village
- Taylor Thomas: Massage Therapist Update
- Hypervolt: New Lower Price Coming Soon
- New Electrolyte Product In The Office: LMNT
- Recipe: Grilled Peach, Jalapeno, and Bacon Guacamole
Effects of Chiropractic Care on Strength, Balance, and Endurance in USA Military
It always excites me to read about chiropractic helping performance and function in addition to pain relief. These are the things that inspired me to go to chiropractic school years ago!
The objective of this particular study was to investigate whether chiropractic care influences strength, balance, and/or endurance in active-duty military personnel with low back pain.
- Study participants were 110 active-duty military personnel 18-40 years of age.
- A randomized controlled trial where participants (55 in each group) were allocated to 4 weeks of chiropractic care or to a wait-list control
- Outcomes that were measured at baseline and 4 weeks, included:
- Pulling strength from a semi-squat position
- Single-leg balance with eyes open and closed
- Trunk muscle endurance
- Pain severity, measured with the visual analog scale (VAS)
- Maximum pulling strength in the chiropractic group increased by 5.08kgs (11.2 lbs)
- Maximum pulling strength in the wait-list group decreased by 7.43kgs (16.4 lbs)
- “Statistically significant differences in mean change between groups were also observed in trunk muscle endurance and balance with eyes closed”
- “We found improvements in isometric pulling strength, balance with eyes closed, and endurance that were statistically significantly greater in the chiropractic care group than the wait-list group”
- “Pain-inhibiting effects from spinal manipulation may lead to greater mobility and more normalized trunk muscle motor firing patterns because of a reduced need to avoid painful positions or movements”
- Four weeks of chiropractic care resulted in improvements in strength, balance with eyes closed, and endurance compared with wait-list controls
Conclusions: Active-duty military personnel receiving chiropractic care exhibited improved strength and endurance, as well as reduced low back pain intensity and disability, compared with wait-list control.
Postpartum Virtual Villages Are Back For Fall!
Group Coaching AND One-On-One Coaching
A message from my wife, Dina, and an offering form Free WELL…
Hello everyone!
I’m so excited to announce the return of the Free WELL Postpartum Virtual Villages this fall (exact schedule coming soon)! This uniquely designed program includes village (small, intimate group) coaching AND personalized 1:1 coaching for mamas – and the feedback was unanimous from moms — they loved it!
If you or someone you know (it’s a great gift) is interested in this program, I encourage you to get our on eager list AKA waitlist — just by signing this you’ll be the first to be notified when seats become available and they are on a first-come-first serve basis. You’re not committed to the program by signing the eager list (it just gives you a chance to voice your preferences and be notified first).
- This program helped me tame the chaos and find more joy
- It helped me feel more confident as a mom and empowered to parent as we want to.
- Dina’s coaching and resources helped me find ways to fine-tune our daily and weekly routines so that I could have some much-needed downtime and space to focus on my marriage and me. She is an amazing coach and her program has been the best thing I have done since becoming a mom. It’s been so good not only for me, but also for my family.
- I wasn’t quite sure what to expect when we started, but I am so glad that I joined. My mindset shifts were huge and I feel much calmer and at ease. I am enjoying my babies so much more and our family is truly starting to thrive. Yes, I would recommend it!
- It was a delight! We covered all of the expected new mom topics and others I had never even considered! I felt the content and resources were very comprehensive. The 1:1 with Dina was excellent!
- The Virtual Village was a safe place to ask questions about our health, wellbeing, and more. I loved being able to share, connect, and meet other moms!
- I have a community! I needed it, and we covered things I didn’t even consider before (but needed). This program and Dina’s coaching covers all aspects from postpartum, household management, emotions, relationship – and so much more. I would strongly recommend it!
- I loved learning among moms in various stages — the tools and practices were so applicable and we could also learn from each other.
- Moms who would love help nurturing and strengthening their health, nutrition, lifestyle, mindset, relationships and much more
- Moms looking for community and relationships
- Moms looking to build confidence and ground themselves in a lot of knowledge (and their power)
- Moms looking for help navigating the transition back to work/staying at home/child schedules
- Moms looking to figure out ways to integrate more of their vision and values and what they really want in their and their family’s life into every day life – holistically, realistically
- First-time, second-time, third-time plus — I’ve been told the mix was wonderful as the moms could learn alongside each other AND the tools, practices and resources are applicable at each stage!
- Moms looking to carve time out for themselves, take a breather, stop going through motions and live more intentionally
- Moms looking to increase joy in their lives
- Moms looking for caring for baby basics on (feeding, schedules, pumping, etc)
- Moms interested in integrating more holistic practices into their home
Details on the final schedule (it will start in September and end before Thanksgiving) and investment are being finalized now as we take all the feedback from past members and elevate the program! Get on the eager/waitlist (or send this to a friend) and be the first when seats open in August (villages will start in September)!
See here to check out more on the program or Contact us to ask questions.
Here’s to empowering mamas and their families!
Taylor Thomas, New Massage Therapist
As we announced last month, Taylor Thomas has joined us on the second floor of the office! I am excited to introduce him to you all in the video above.
Taylor is a recent graduate from massage school and comes with great recommendations from his instructors and from the massage therapists he worked with as an extern. I was very impressed with his technique and skill when he worked on me recently! Check out more on his website.
As he is just beginning his practice, he does have great availability in his schedule. While he will use an online scheduler soon for your convenience, in the meantime you can reach out to schedule at:
A quick message from Taylor:
Hi, my name is Taylor Thomas. I graduated from SHI integrative medical massage school this past May. My school specialized in Swedish massage, percussion, friction and various types of medical massage such as cranio sacral and internal/external treatment techniques for TMD.
I graduated from Lebanon High School in 2010 and have a degree in psychology from Eastern Kentucky University. My eventual goal is to merge my practice into a wholistic body and mind healing place. Lymphatic drainage will be the next area where I wish to continue my education. I look forward to serving you!
Hypervolt Massage Tool Price Reduction
We just learned from Hypervolt headquarters we will be able to sell the massage tool for a new low price of $249 beginning August 10th!
We have always sold the Hypervolts for the lowest price we are allowed ($279 currently). We have a shipment on the way so more will be available soon at the new price!
LMNT: Elemental Labs Recharge Electrolyte Drink Mix
A good friend recently recommended I try these LMNT electrolyte drink mixes and I was very impressed. I started carrying the citrus, raspberry and watermelon packets at the office ($1.50/pack to mix in 16-32 ounce of water, depending on your taste).
Many of us are deficient in electrolytes and our function suffers, usually unbeknownst to us. Additionally, many of us are taught to fear sodium, but like most things, there are problems with too little or too much!
Read more about the science of LMNT and see if you might benefit from more electrolytes (without sugar!) from these packets.