August 2018 Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter:

  • Video: Monthly Simple Health Insights and Tips
  • Room Available on Second Floor of Office
  • Office Closed for Vacation August 20th-24th.
  • Leg Exercise is Critical to Brain Health
  • How to Check Safety of Products
  • LifeMade Conscious: Calm is Contagious
  • Recipe of the Month: Salmon Cakes with Lemon Pesto

Injuries and Overall Health: Events or Routines?

I’m starting a monthly video series with quick tips about health and wellness. I want to give you insights and action steps in a short video format that can help you simplify getting healthier!

Look for these videos in the monthly newsletter and on our Facebook and YouTube pages. 


Second Floor Room Available for Health Practitioner

Space is now available for someone in the bodywork or health fields to practice on the second floor of our office building. 

Rebecca Baumann, of Grateful Zen, has decided to change career fields after her recent unfortunate injury and surgery. We are sorry to see her go but realize this is a good decision for her body and healing.

Would you, or someone you know, be a good fit and love to join us?

This person will set their own hours and be their own boss, simply paying rent for use of the space. We are open to massage, acupuncture, physical therapy, nutrition, and other types of health practitioners.

For more information, please contact us via email by replying to this newsletter.

Office Closed August 20th-24th 

The chiropractic office will be closed for vacation Monday, August 20th through Friday, August 24th. Laura and Shawna will be checking messages and returning phone calls and emails over limited hours during that week.

Leg Exercise is Critical to Brain Health

A new study links the importance of the signals sent from the large muscles in the leg to overall brain and nervous system health. This study gives insight into why patients with diseases such as MS or ALS get exponentially worse as they lose the ability to move. 

A study published in Frontiers of Neuroscience says that when legs are engaged in load bearing exercises, such as squats, they send signals to the brain that help produce healthy neural cells. 

Researcher Dr. Raffaella Adami says “It is no accident that we are meant to be active: to walk, run, crouch to sit, and use our leg muscles to lift things. Neurological health is not a one-way street with the brain telling the muscles ‘lift,’ ‘walk,’ and so on.

Environmental Working Group-

You may recall past newsletters where I shared the latest update to the “Dirty Dozen” list, which looks at the produce that contain the most pesticides.That list is released each year from the Environmental Working Group at The EWG does much more than just the Dirty Dozen. provides valuable information on the safety and environmental impact on all kinds of everyday goods from cleaning supplies, cosmetics, local water supplies and even school supplies. Their Skin Deep Resourceallows you to search over 80,000 products and ingredients in cosmetics. The Skin Deep Resource provides a score for products based on overall safety as well as breaking down cancer risks, allergens and more. 

If you are looking to use safer and healthier products for you and your family, is a great place to start your research.  

Calm is Contagious: Post From LifeMade Conscious

This article from Cincinnati mental health therapist John Harrison reminds us that “calm is contagious”. Harrison says this phrase is a mantra in the Navy SEAL world, and is applicable to all of us.
If we want peace and calmness in our lives, we have to find that calm center in ourselves. This is our responsibility to ourselves and our gift to others.”

Recipe of the Month: Salmon Cakes with Lemon Pesto

These delicious Salmon Cakes with Lemon Pesto are a great way to use up all the basil that might be overtaking your garden. Taken from the Heal Your Gut Cookbook, these Salmon Cakes are a healthy alternative to fried crab cakes and they are also Paleo friendly.