August 2015 Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter:

  • Schedule change when babies arrive.
  • Standard Process Purification Program.
  • Five habits for happiness.
  • Negative emotions and heart attacks.
  • Make your rice ‘healthier’ by adding coconut oil to the process.
  • Recipe of the month: Paleo Turkey and Sweet Potato Patties.

Schedule Change When Babies Arrive

Pete and his wife, Dina, are expecting their twins will arrive sometime this month. Pete is planning to take a few days off once they arrive.  If you are scheduled for an appointment that needs to be rescheduled, Shawna will call you as soon as we know more.  If you plan on swinging by the office for a walk-in adjustment, please be aware you may wish to call in and make sure we are open. We will update the voicemail and website.

Thanks for your patience at this exciting time.

Standard Process Purification Program

We have had great success with our 21-day purification program. About 30 of you joined us in January to do a group program and people lost weight, slept better, broke caffeine habits, lowered cholesterol levels, and improved blood pressure – to name only a few!

I really like this program because you are eating real, whole foods throughout and take specific supllements. You will find it easy to continue using many of the good habits you develop over the 21 days.

Keep in mind we can order the SP Purification supplements anytime for you and have them in 1-2 days at the office, or shipped directly to your house. The cost is $209.

We wanted to give you an early heads up that we will host another group class in early January 2016. We will go over all the details of the program on one TBD evening at the office and explain how it helps your body. Plan on making it a healthy habit to start your 2016!

Five Habits for Happiness

Happiness Researcher Shawn Anchor is trying to change how people think about happiness.  Anchor says that by incorporating short “happiness habits” into each day, people can dramatically increase happiness and lift their mood.  In this article he shares five simple exercises, taking only two minutes each, that will change the way your brain reacts,  This leads to an greater overall happiness.

Tracking Negative Emotions and Heart Attacks using Twitter

Researchers have long known that negative and hostile emotions create stress hormones that contribute to heart disease.  Now researchers are using negative tweets from Twitter to predict areas prone to heart disease.  Check out this fascinating article and remember that emotional stress does create real physical changes in the body.

Lower the Carbs in Rice Using Coconut Oil

There is exciting new research out that shows by changing how you cook your white rice, you can lower both its carbohydrates and calories. Adding coconut oil to the cooking process and then cooling your rice after cooking will create a more ‘resistant starch’ that will not spike your blood sugar levels as traditionally prepared rice.  See this article for further information and detailed instructions on how to cook low carb rice. 

Recipe of the Month: Paleo Turkey and Sweet Potato Patties

These delicious turkey and sweet potato patties from Once a Month Meals are loved by both kids and adults.  They can also be made ahead of time and frozen, allowing for a delicious meal even on a busy evening.